Turn ordinary party supplies into exquisite Christmas decorations with these easy peasy DIY ideas. Turn your party instaworthy with these cute little touches here and there. From candy-coated to tinsel-lined, we’ve got unexpected wreaths that will blow your guests away.

Idea 1: Deck the halls with a very merry paper fan wreath
This "holly" will never dry out! For this adorable Christmas wreath, wrap a foam wreath from a craft store with green streamer and hot-glued hanging paper fans all over. The holly berries are trios of red pom-poms. Display it from a bright red ribbon and you have yourself a holly-jolly Christmas wreath!

Idea 2: Bring "tie"-dings of joy with a ribbon wreath
Not only is this wreath the easiest Christmas decoration you'll make this holiday, it's also the most fun! Simply tie green and red curling ribbons around a vine or wire wreath and curl the ends with scissors. Attach it to a long piece of Christmas ribbon to display it on your door or window.

Idea 3: Bows aren’t just for presents
Start with a foam ring or wire form then add bows in your favorite holiday colors and you’re done!

Idea 4: Make a bright, colorful wreath using candies
Colorful gumballs aren’t just for chewing! Create this fun wreath by gluing Gumballs or Candies to a foam base. Make sure to use lots of different colors so it’s as bright as possible. When you’ve filled up the entire wreath, top it off with some brightly-colored ribbon.

Idea 5: Turn ordinary party supplies into a DIY Doily Wreath
This wreath is perfect for an elegant get-together. Start with a foam ring or wire base, combine some white round paper doilies (make sure to use a lot of different sizes) and some 6-foot silver string lights for a wreath that will light up your home!

Idea 6: These cups runneth over with holiday cheer!
Start with inserting a white paper coffee cup halfway into a red one and hot-glue them together. Continue "stacking" the paper cups in alternating colors until the ends meet and then top it off with a festive bow. This Christmas wreath is so easy to make, you'll have plenty of time to knock back a holiday cider (or two!).